Thursday, 28 August 2014

Export to Excel - Different Sheets in the Same ... | Qlik Community

Export to Excel - Different Sheets in the Same ... | Qlik Community:

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ExportBiff | Qlik Community

ExportBiff | Qlik Community:

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QlikTip #32: Exporting multiple QV objects to a single Excel document

QlikTip #32: Exporting multiple QV objects to a single Excel document:

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how to export sheet object to open office? | Qlik Community

how to export sheet object to open office? | Qlik Community:

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qlik and openoffice | Qlik Community

qlik and openoffice | Qlik Community: "i, to export by macro a table/pivot to an openoffice/libreoffice calc i have used the usual vb script:"obj.ExportBiff "C:\.."" that use the microsoft excel dll.
So to have the same dll i have tried to install microsoft ExcelViewer (that it's license free) and so the macro works perfectly. After you can also open the file.xls in a open calc program as usual..
Hope to help you"

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Tuesday, 12 August 2014